Need More HOPE This Christmas? {Part 1 of 3}

Dear Darling,

I’m typing away from my laptop in super sunny Miami! Although winters here tend to be cooler there's currently a heat wave. We’ve been here five days and I’m still getting my head around the idea of a hot Christmas but I'm celebrating being with my family this year (which wasn't possible for us last year).


As the year comes to a close, I thought of the final impact these weekly emails could make on you in 2016 and as you start 2017. Darling, do I have some nuggets of wisdom to share with you!

This past weekend, as we put on our Sunday best, Steve and I were excited to drive off to my brother churches. Rich Wilkerson Jr., lead pastor at Vous church, shared a message titled Hope Floats.

The message was so relevant to all entrepreneurs because we have to deeply believe that hope is our anchor.

At times, our business can feel like a game of trial and error. It's risky and scary but you just go for it. If you have hope than you’re on track to success. Those that doubt and lack confidence never get as far as those who believe that anything is possible.

If you want live out your really big dreams than you’re going to need a whole lot of hope. Think of it this way, the bigger the ship the bigger the anchor.

As you start making more room for hope in your life, hope becomes expectation.

There's a few things you can do to to live a life of constant expectation. Today, I’m sharing part one of three points.


A life full of big expectation leads to preparation.

When you have exciting big dreams you don’t sit around waiting for them to happen but instead you prepare. I love what Rich said this Sunday, “If God answers your prayers tomorrow would you even be ready?”

So I’m going to ask you a hard question – what can you do to prepare for 2017?

  • Do you need to practice being more disciplined so you can get more done?
  • Do you need to start saying 'no' so you can say 'yes' to better opportunities? 
  • Do you need to quit your 9-5 so your business can grow?
  • Do you need to invest in a coach to learn the exact steps you need to take to create a profitable biz?
  • Do you need to join a group program that will train in you in becoming an extraordinary boss babe?

For me, getting prepared looked like investing in a coach so I could create a successful and profitable coaching business and finally quit my side hustle. It meant researching and getting investment details from experts I plan to work with. It meant creating a clear 90 day plan. It meant creating a mega big to-do list full of things that needed to get done for various projects.

Darling, again, what can you do to prepare for 2017?

Preparation starts today.

Lots of love,

Beth xo

P.S. If you're ready to start building a business you love that gives you the freedom to do life on your terms, I've got a special offer coming to your inbox soon!