How to Shake the Christmas Business Blues



Ahh! Can you believe that sparkly lights, shiny ornaments, and stunning forest green Christmas trees are finally up in most homes? You can buy a yummy holiday hot drink almost anywhere and you can hear jolly songs blaring from any sound system! I love this time of year because it’s so full of hope and the promise of what will come in the new year


But, it can also be a scary month if you’re CEO. 


You may be feeling that overwhelming uncertainty of whether or not money will come in this month (even though this is the season everyone already has their wallets out ready to toss money away. So really, don't be worried!)!


This time last year, I was scared. It was the first holiday season that I was working full-time for myself and didn’t have a monthly paycheck to rely on. I was terrified, yet hopeful.


Most importantly, I was taking action. 


I did everything I could think of to get in front of my ideal clients that month. I was visible on social media, hosted free calls, engaged in FB groups, filmed a testimonial for my coach, emailed my list regularly, got support from my coach and mastermind sisters, etc.. I was also clear on my goal, one new Private Coaching client was all I needed that month! 


Without fail and as always, sweet baby Jesus came through!! Hahah!


So, if you’re feeling discouraged this month…stay hopeful and take action!

This is not the time to slow down but to accelerate!! 

What are 5 things you can do in the next few weeks to hit your goal? 


Lots of love,


- Beth & The SS Team xo


P.S. If no one ever likes your Instagram posts, the voice inside is telling you that you suck at business, maybe you literally have no idea what tools you should be using to start your business, or how the heck do you even get clients?! I get it, this journey is hard and if you truly want to make it then you need to equip yourself with the resources necessary to succeed. All of our courses are 25-65% OFF right now! Click here to buy your business a Christmas present!