Do You Want To Be Scared Or Rich?


Last month, fear consumed me.

I felt overwhelmed, tired, and drained both in my personal life and business. Have you ever felt that way?

I'm a pretty positive person so I'm always baffled when this happens to me.

Well, in October, I needed a breather from my business to recharge and refocus. Gosh, I was frightened to death to take a step back and let go of goals, expectations, and the busy’ness’ of it all. But my exhaustion well surpassed my fear.

Honestly, I’d lost the courage to uplevel. I was drained and overwhelmed by all the negativity my mind was trying to force me to believe. I was reminded of a quote my old boss said on a coaching call...

"Do you want to be scared or rich?"

My fear has caused me to make it all about me. So I forgot about YOU, Beth, and the women I get to serve + empower every single day.

Although I want to thrive financially, thinking about you broke my heart most.

I wondered what you’d think of me. Would you be disappointed, angry, or maybe you couldn’t care less. Regardless, I knew I had to find a way to bring more joy to my business. I needed to feel energized and excited. And, I needed to hold on tightly to hope in the process.

Running your own business is exhilarating, draining, the best thing ever, exhausting, exciting, time-consuming, and freeing all at the same time. This journey is about taking ridiculous risks. Failing. Trying again. Failing. Succeeding, and then failing again.

It's basically a roller coaster ride and all you can do is embrace the chaos.

I've always believed that entrepreneurs are crazy. It takes being a little mad to achieve those outrageous dreams you have!

If you’re feeling lost or tired, step back and reflect on why you started.

Making money in your business is important (it's the point of business, right? hehe) but running it from a place of purpose and passion is what will actually keep you going!

Find your fire, again. 🔥 

So, why did you start your business?

Lots of love,

Beth xo

P.S. Things are changing big time over here and I can’t wait to share what I’ve been working on during this downtime! 🙌🏽 You’re going to LOOOOVE the changes! Keep an eye on your inbox this coming Monday to find out all the details. And, to get access to exclusive sale prices on our courses!