Why I Cried At The End Of 2017


I’m embarrassed to say this, but just hours before the clock struck midnight I was in tears while my husband embraced me.

John Wooden said it best...

"Failure isn’t fatal, but failure to change might be."

Although there are so many wins to celebrate from last year, there were also many plans that didn’t pan out (because, duh, that’s just life!).

I’ve fallen short many times in 2017. And, gosh, I’m my worst critic!

Can you identify with that?

As my husband and I talked about all my failures in 2017, he tried his best to remind me there was a new year around the corner. A new year to come back strong and prove myself wrong!

We’re currently in Miami, celebrating the holidays with my family and I’ve barely gotten a moment to myself to start planning for the new year. 

It's never too late to make a plan!

I finally got a chance to work through our 2018 Vision Workbook today and I have to tell you that page 6 is my favorite part of the workbook!!

I was able to identify the lies I’ve been believing in 2017 and how to overcome them this year!

Being honest and transparent with you, this is what I wrote out…

1.) Confidence: Just this constant lack of feeling like I'm not good enough, that I don't know enough, not skinny enough, not smart enough, etc..

2.) Fear: Scared to lose money, scared I won't gain clients, scared that no one cares, scared to make my husband angry, scared of what people think.

3.) The Voices: All the crap I hear inside my head. I can easily let it drag me down. So much so that it consumes way too much of my time! I need to find at least 3 things to do as my defense. 

4.) Lack of Reality: This can be a positive at times but I struggle to be strategic and realistic with goals. I come up with dream goals but struggle to follow through. Fear and lack of confidence come and kick my dreams in the butt!

5.) Consistency: I suck at showing up continually. I make sooo many excuses! I have more support now in my business so there should NOT be any more excuses!

I share all this to show you that you are not alone in the process of chasing your dreams. 

There will ALWAYS be fears and obstacles to overcome and the good news is that you CAN overcome them!!

To help you out, I created a free 2018 Vision Workbook to help you start this year with a bang!

So, will you let your failures in 2017 define how your 2018 will turn out?

I sure hope not because you have SO much to offer with your gifts and skills!

Lots of love,

- Beth & The SS Team xo

P.S. Don’t let your failures in 2017 define your 2018. Turn your failures into lessons and go try again! Click here to snag our 2018 Vision Workbook to make this year the best one yet!