Craving More FREEDOM In Your Life?


Dear Darling,

To all my American beauties, I hope you had a fun 4th of July! It's this time of year that makes me nostalgic for sweet Ohio and delicious BBQ's with loved ones. It'd be lonely here in England without my kind friends who came to celebrate the freedom of my beautiful U.S. of A..

I gotta say, Brit's are such good sports when it comes to celebrating the 4th of July! My husband clearly loves America more! ;)

Since moving to England, I try to take most U.S. holidays off. I'll be honest, it's a lot harder to do because it's a normal day here in England. But, it's important to me that I stop and celebrate days like Independence Day and Thanksgiving! 

This was something I decided to do even before I stared my own business. I deeply desired to cultivate these special traditions in my new little family. As I started at a 9-5, and eventually working freelance, I realized I didn't actually have the freedom to call those shots. I found myself frustrated working on holidays that were important to me.

That just wasn't going to fly!

Maybe as you got ready yesterday to celebrate with your friends and family, you felt stressed out about responding to a client email, thinking about your finances, or maybe the lack of work your business is producing? 

It's painfully hard to stop and celebrate freedom when you don't even feel like you have any freedom yourself. Freedom to know that your business is running on it's own even if you take a day or two off.

You're not alone. And, the good news is that you can change this!

If you've been struggling to figure out how to launch your dream business or even just get client, I want to invite you get on the waitlist for Start-Up Society! This is my brand spankin' new 4-month group program where I'll take you from business idea to actually working with dream clients!


We'll work through fundamentals of setting up your biz, designing gorgeous branding, creating hot selling packages/programs, automating your business, and mastering sales. This program covers it all! Plus, I have an extraordinary line up of guest experts joining us though out the course. I can't wait to tell you more about it very soon! 

It's time gain back freedom in your life so don't hesitate to get on the waitlist. Freedom is on the other side of this group program! 

Business is about to pick up,  

Beth xo

P.S. Make sure to get on the waitlist of Start-Up Society for the chance to get exclusive waitlist-only bonuses! Click here. Remember, the early-bird catches the worm!