5 Ways Generosity Can Benefit Your Business

Dear Darling,

Here in Birmingham, England, the city is swarmed with sparkly Christmas lights and our famous German Christmas Market is in full swing (yep, a German market in England ha!).

In our home, my little family isn't allowed to forget about Thanksgiving even though we're across the pond. I love Christmas and everything it brings with it, but it's important to stop each year and reflect on what we're thankful for and to be generous in return. 


This week I'm encouraging you to reflect on the entrepreneurs you're thankful for. 

What business person or influencer inspired you to start your own business? What did they have that you wanted? Who taught you the tools you needed to move forward with your business idea?

I also want you to stop and consider how being generous can change your business.

There are coaches out there who'll tell you not to give too much free content, but I truly believe the more you give, the better. Now I'm not telling you to give everything away, but, especially at the beginning, giving more can make a significant difference in how others perceive you.

It'll help you create a business with a tribe and clients who rave about you. Here's how generosity can help both you and your clients...

1. Who Doesn't Like Free Stuff

Let's be real, it's very rare for someone to pass up something free, especially when they're receiving value-packed content. That's key here, make sure that what you're giving away is filled with value! If it is, potential clients will be eating it up like candy and coming back for more.

Soon enough those people will be converting into paying clients.

2. Show-Off What You Know

You started your business because you're passionate about what you have to offer. Use that to your advantage and give to your community. If you don't have a big tribe yet, give in other communities like Facebook groups or engage on Instagram.

Find a way to be of service to others while showing off your expertise.


3. Build Fans

By giving free value-packed content away you start to attract a community of people around you. You start to build your very own tribe! 

That's huge! 

You get to influence a group of people with your words and actions. Give as much as you can and in return you'll create a loyal community that truly believes in you. 

4. Get People On Your List

Like I mentioned above, you want to continue building a relationship with your people somewhere. I recommend leading potential clients to your mailing list as you can be directly in touch with them weekly!

Thanks to email marketing, you can continually give to your list via webinars, workbooks, and other new trainings. You can also share your latest offerings with them!

5. Get More Clients

The community you start to attract, thanks to your generosity, will convert into clients. These are potential clients who need your paid services. They may not know it at first, but as you nurture a relationship with them via your email list, social media, or a Facebook group they'll learn that you are the go-to expert in your industry.

Cheerfully giving them value-packed content will only confirm how incredible you are!

Giving will not only benefit your tribe, but it'll create a closer knit community and an adoring tribe who is eager to learn from the expert you are! This season, think about how you can go the extra mile and be over the top generous with your community!

Be generous,

Beth xo

P.S. How can I be more generous with you darling? What complimentary content would best support you?